Our Love. Their Courage. A Donald Berman Center
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The Meshi Early Childhood Center
Each of the toddlers and youngsters in the Meshi Early Childhood Development Center has been dealt tremendous challenges in life, with their small bodies so debilitated by the effects of cerebral palsy, spina bifida or muscular dystrophy. Yet it’s hard to find a happier, more exuberant, dynamic group of children anywhere than these, as they scoot from one activity to the next.

Meshi’s halls and classrooms are bursting with motion, some from children taking ever-so-painstaking independent steps and some from the boisterous swagger of a child making steady headway in a walker. Hugs and smiles from the Meshi staff envelop the children everywhere, from classrooms to therapy sessions, in every nook and cranny of the crowded facility.

The Meshi School
The Meshi School is a true School of Life. Here, students are taught to master an impressive curriculum of math, science, language, social studies and more. Yet beyond, the Meshi School is committed to teaching each student to master the daily living skills that will be the key to achieving self-confidence, mobility and independence.

At school age, the chance has dwindled for any dramatic physical improvement akin to those taking place in the Early Childhood Development Center. But in this secure, supportive school environment, students are helped to reach their full potential, and given the latest computer-communication aids, top speech, occupational and physical therapy, and strong emotional support that will help them become active, contributing participants in Israeli society.

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